London Design Festival
Morgan AND Screening

According to the latest online tally, the average person is exposed to up to 3000 marketing messages a day. Though initially shocking, a cursory glance around my desk renders this quite plausible, I got to 15 and stopped counting. Advertising and the branding process is seen by many as an art form, a skilled hybrid of psychology and graphic design bringing familiarity to otherwise faceless corporations. To others it’s an intrusive form of visual clutter and the route of all society’s ills. What’s got us thinking about this divisive subject? Logorama!
Making the most of the crisp, white, double height walls of our new Clerkenwell showroom, Morgan will be hosting screenings of the Oscar award winning film, by French designers H5, throughout LDF in association with Clerkenwell Design Quarter’s AND Film Festival. Set in an alternate universe, in a city built of brands, where Microsoft butterflies flutter past Malibu palm trees our story begins; What follows is a small, but perfectly formed, 16 minute take on the Hollywood action movie starring Ronald McDonald as the gun wielding villain, hotly pursued by blundering Michelin men law enforcement, culminating in a series of natural disasters that threaten to bring the technicolour dystopia to it’s (inevitable?) end.
By H5
PlayOscar award winning film, Logorama, by French designers H5.
Alongside the cautionary environmental imagery and (often hilarious) scathing social commentary, the creators of Logorama somehow manage to imbue the film with a sincere affection for their cast. The six years spent painstakingly creating this colourful graphic world from over 2000 logos seems more like a homage than a indictment of the many ‘graphic signs that accompany us everyday in our lives’.
Logos; friend or foe? We invite you to come and make up your mind, drop in to watch Logorama every weekday throughout LDF between 4-6pm, 1 Dallington Street, Clerkenwell, London